United Nations - Kosovo and the Challenge of Humanitarian Intervention; Selective Indignation.jpg
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The Kosovo conflict has the potential to redraw the landscape of international politics, with significant ramifications for the UN, major powers, regional organizations, and the way in which we understand and interpret world politics. Can the veto now effectively be circumvented to launch selective enforcement operations? Can the humanitarian imperative be reconciled with the principle of state sovereignty? This publication offers interpretations of the Kosovo crisis from numerous perspectives: the conflict-parties, NATO allies as well as the immediate region surrounding the conflict. Country perspectives are followed by scholarly analyses of the longer-term normative, operational and structural consequences of the Kosovo crisis for world politics.
About the Author
Albrecht Schnabel is Academic Programme Officer in the Peace and Governance Programme of the United Nations University in Tokyo, Japan. Ramesh Thakur is Vice Rector of the United Nations University and head of the University's Peace and Governance Programme.