Wyszukano 2001 fraz
Frederick Kempe - Father-Land; A Personal Search for the New Germany (1999).jpg
Two emotionally weighted projects inform Kempe's thoughtful exploration of present-day Germany. In one, Kempe, editor and associate publisher of the Wall Street Journal Europe, travels throughout Germany searching for the present and future of the country poised to ...
James Petras - The Left Strikes Back; Class And Conflict In The Age Of Neoliberalism (2000).jpg
The Left Strikes Back addresses the neglected topic of popular resistance to capital globalization and neoliberal polices, and considers the future of the revolutionary left in this region. James Petras shows that the current stage of capital globalization and the ...
Algernon Sidney - Discourses Concerning Government (2009).jpg
Written in response to Sir Robert Filmer's "Patriarcha" (1680), the "Discourses Concerning Government" by Algernon Sidney (1623-1683) has been respected for more than three centuries as a classic defence of republicanism and popular government. Sidney rejected ...
John Dunn - The cunning of unreason; Making sense of politics (2000).jpg
The promises of the modern democratic republic far exceed its performance, concludes political theorist Dunn in this very abstract discussion of fundamental political questions. Beginning with the basicsAwhat is politics and why does it occur?Ahe outlines the major ...
Jeremy Tunstall.jpg
The emergence of a few powerful individuals in control of large sections of mass communication industries has coincided with world-wide media de-regulation. In the first book to take a close look at media moguls as a species, Jeremy Tunstall and Michael Palmer show how a ...
Wilhel Windelband - History of Philosophy (1907).jpg
Original Published by: Macmillan in 1907 in 748 pages; Subjects: Philosophy; Philosophy / General; Philosophy / History & Surveys / Ancient & Classical; Philosophy / History & Surveys / General; Philosophy / History & Surveys / Modern
Roderic Ai Camp - Generals in the Palacio; The Military in Modern Mexico (1992).jpg
Mexico is one of the few Third World nations that has successfully withdrawn the military from political control, with one of the longer reigns of civilian government in Latin America. But little research has been completed on the study of the Mexican military. Camp ...
Enrico Ferri - Criminal Sociology (2009).jpg
From the consideration that human actions, whether honest or dishonest, social or anti-social, are always the outcome of a man's physio-psychical organism, and of the physical and social atmosphere which surrounds him, I have drawn attention to the anthropological or ...
Robert Levine.jpg
This volume consists of personal narrative accounts of the career journeys of some of the world's most eminent social psychologists. Each contributing psychologist is an esteemed scholar, an excellent writer, and has a story to tell. Together, the contributions cover a ...
Mark Whitehead - Spaces of Sustainability; Geographical Perspectives on the Sustainable Society (2006).jpg
Spaces of Sustainability is an engaging and accessible introduction to the key philosophical ideas which lie behind the principles of sustainable development. This topical resource discusses key contemporary issues including global warming, third world poverty, ...
Carl Schmitt - Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy (1988).jpg
Described both as "the Hobbes of our age" and as "the philosophical godfather of Nazism," Carl Schmitt was a brilliant and controversial political theorist whose doctrine of political leadership and critique of liberal democratic ideals distinguish him as one of the most ...
United Nations - Kosovo and the Challenge of Humanitarian Intervention; Selective Indignation.jpg
The Kosovo conflict has the potential to redraw the landscape of international politics, with significant ramifications for the UN, major powers, regional organizations, and the way in which we understand and interpret world politics. Can the veto now effectively be ...
Christopher Allen - Practical Guide To Evidence (2001).jpg
The second edition of this widely acclaimed book maintains the authors original objective: to provide a clear and readable account of evidence law, which acknowledges the importance of arguments about facts and principles as well as rules. It is written for those studying ...
Karl Taro Greenfeld - Speed Tribes; Days and Night's with Japan's Next Generation (2010).jpg
Americans duped into believing that Japan has few social problems outside of political corruption, horrendous university entrance exams, and the suppression of women into lifelong menial jobs and unsatisfying lives as caretakers for their husbands will be shocked by ...
Peter Howlett.jpg
Why write about facts? Facts are everywhere. They litter the utterances of public life as much as the private conversations of individuals. They frequent the humanities and the sciences in equal measure. But their very ubiquity tells us not only why it is difficult to form ...
Robert E. Buswell.jpg
Buddhism, according to the editor in chief of this encyclopedia, "is one of the three major world religions, along with Christianity and Islam." Unlike the other two, however, Buddhism lacks substantial reference works in Western languages. The majority are ...
Paisley Livingstone - Art and Intention; A Philosophical Study (2005).jpg
In Art and intention Paisley Livingston develops a broad and balanced perspective on perennial disputes between intentionalists and anti-intentionalists in philosophical aesthetics and critical theory. He surveys and assesses a wide range of rival assumptions about ...
Riva Kastoryano - An Identity for Europe; The Relevance of Multiculturalism in EU Construction (2009).jpg
This book looks at the role of multiculturalism in the complex construction of the European Union, acknowledging the tension of creating a new political space for identities that are simultaneously national, regional, linguistic, and religious, and yet strive to ...
Julian Cope - Japrocksampler; How the post-war Japanese blew their minds on rock'n'roll (2007).jpg
In the 1960s rock ‘n’ roll music began crossing the Atlantic Ocean—with The Beatles and The Who leading the British Invasion of the United States—and the Pacific Ocean, as American and European rock slowly began to take hold in Japan. This insightful study from ...
Peter Singer - The Life You Can Save; Acting Now to End World Poverty (2009).jpg
This is the right time to ask yourself: “What should I be doing to help?”For the first time in history, it is now within our reach to eradicate world poverty and the suffering it brings. Yet around the world, a billion people struggle to live each day on less than many of us pay ...
Ama Biney - The Political and Social Thought of Kwame Nkrumah (2011).jpg
Kwame Nkrumah remains a towering figure in African history. Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent campaign of civil disobedience, he led what is now the nation of Ghana to independence in 1957. Nkrumah made Ghana a beacon of hope for not only Ghanaians but also people ...
Rituparna Roy – South Asian Partition Fiction in English; From Khushwant Singh to Amitav Ghosh (2011).jpg
South Asian Partition Fiction in English: From Khushwant Singh to Amitav Ghosh explores a significant cross-section of South Asian fiction in English written on the theme of Partition from the mid-1950s to the late 1980s, and shows how the Partition novel in English ...
Heinrich Best.jpg
This book reconsiders Joseph Schumpeter's democratic elitism in light of the directions that recent theories of democracy have taken, and it analyzes democratic elitism's workings in western and eastern European states early in the 21st century.